Active Projects

  • REGO – “Cognitive robotic tools for human-centered small-scale multi-robot operations”, international grant funded by the European Commission through the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe. REGO will develop magnetic multi-robot motion control systems, autonomous swarm control techniques for micro-sized robots, human-robot haptic-centered interfaces, and cognitive shared-control techniques.
  • MAPWORMS – “Mimicking Adaptation and Plasticity in WORMS”, international grant funded by the European Commission through the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe. MAPWORMS will develop a new generation of bioinspired, soft, small-scale robots able to respond to external stimuli and to adapt to the working environment.
  • ARTERY – “Autonomous Robotics for Transcatheter dEliveRy sYstems”, international grants funded by European Commission through the research and innovation programme Horizon 2020;
  • PROXIMITY CARE – Proximity and technological innovation for the network of social and health protection of the internal areas in the Province of Lucca.
  • BRIEF – Biorobotics Research and Innovation Engineering Facilities – Project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 3.1 – Fund for the implementation of an integrated system of research and innovation infrastructures – of Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU; Project identification code IR0000036, Concession Decree No. 3262 of 28/12/2021 adopted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, CUP J13C22000400007, “Biorobotics Research and Innovation Engineering Facilities” (BRIEF);
  • THE (Tuscany Health Ecosystem) – The mission of Tuscany Health Ecosystem (THE) is to turn Tuscany into the ‘health region,’ driving research towards applications and businesses to foster the growth of technologies dedicated to health and well-being;
  • IBRIS – The IBRIS project (Innovative BioRobotic artIficial organS) aims to develop a new generation of implantable artificial organs, capable of fully replacing the functions of damaged native organs. IBRIS is one of eight projects selected under the “Advanced Grant” program in Physical Sciences and Engineering, it is supported by the Italian Science Fund and it will have a duration of 60 months;
  • eLiner – Cuffia smart con sensoristica integrata e stimoli aptici per il controllo di protesi avanzate;
  • SURF-UP (Surgery by Using a Robotic Focused Ultrasound Platform) – The goal of the project is to design, develop and pre-clinically validate a robotic medical system to non-invasively treat oncological diseases.

Selected Past Projects

  • INAIL – MOTU++  The project is devoted to the development and assessment of a new lower limb prosthesis with bi-directional control interface. The Area team is developing a smart socket for the prosthesis;
  • FUTURA2020 – The project aims at exploiting robotic approaches for improving focused ultrasound therapy, towards clinical translation;
  • ROBOIMPLANT – The project aims to develop a fully implantable long-term artificial pancreas for Type 1 Diabetes patients based mainly on mechatronic technologies;
  • S3InNeo  The project aims to develop software and hardware tools for neonatal intubation;
  • M2NEURAL  The project has developed technologies for improving peripheral neural interfaces in terms of biocompatibility and US-based drug delivery solutions;
  • VALVETECH  The project has developed a flexible and tunable stiffness manipulator for the delivery of an artificial aortic valve in a minimally invasive way;
  • IMEROS – In this project, a novel microwave tool has been integrated in the Da Vinci robotic system;
  • CAPSULIGHT – This project has developed a gastroscopic capsule for photodynamic therapy;
  • FUTURA – The project has introduced robotic technologies in focused ultrasound procedures;
  • MICROVAST – This project was aimed to develop a magnetic softly tethered capsule for targeted therapy in the vascular system under US control;
  • ARAKNES – This project has developed several modular robots, at different scales, for single port endoluminal surgery;
  • STIFF-FLOP  The project has developed soft and tunable stiffness robots for surgical applications;
  • DIH-HERO – “Digital Innovation Hub in Healthcare Robotics”, aimed at exploiting robotics in the healthcare sector;
  • ATLAS  – “AuTonomous intraLuminAl Surgery”, a Marie Curie European Joint Doctorate school that targets the training of experts in a very specific branch of Robotic Surgery;
  • INAIL – RELIEF – The project is focused on the design and implementation of an artificial sphincter based on magnetic actuation for urinary incontinence;
  • INAIL – BIOSUP – Innovative and modular solutions for the restoration of urinary function;
  • Mambo Project – Development of microrobots able to navigate inside the human body.